Watching Bloomberg today has been a bit eye opening. First of all they are talking about the immediate sell-off that occurred when the jobs numbers are announced. Then they had a rash of politicans on, including Michelle Bachmann on telling me how this proves that Obama’s approach to the economy failed. Ok-andwhat exactly would you and your fellow rattle-brain dead idiots do differently. Oh yea: No stimulus, no saving of American auto jobs, just let every thing and everyone, but the filithiest of the filthy rich, fail. Bread lines and 21% unemployment? Hey not Bachmann’s problem-just so long as women reduced to resorting to prostitution to feed themselves don’t have abortions.
I’m of the school of thought that Obama is a poor negotiator-and in the long run that is what has hurt him in his Presidency. I’m not the only one who believes that, a lot of both liberals and that dying breed of Republican agree with me.
As Marc Ambinder of the National Journal suggested at the time, the president could have included an increase in the debt ceiling in the December deal to extend the Bush tax cuts. The Republicans dearly wanted that extension. Obama did not use leverage when he had it — and so he became a victim of leverage when he lacked it.
Then, as Republicans discovered the power of their new tool, the president decided to assume they were bluffing, that they would never actually do anything so reckless. Waking up to the reality of the situation too late, he commenced bargaining by offering what he assumed would be an irresistible deal. Wrong again. The Republicans did resist. So Obama offered an even better deal — which predictably only whetted the GOP appetite for still more.
And then to aggravate the situation, Obama has done nothing about using the “bully pulpit” of the White House to educate the American people about the disaster that will ensue if the Republic defaults. It has allowed idiots like Bachmann and others allied with the douchebags Teabaggers to be able to go on TV and say with a straight face that a national default will actually “create jobs in this country”. (Go find it on Bloomberg if you don’t believe me). Nothing could be further from the truth. When the US defaults-and I am more convinced that it will any day- or even worse we will be stuck with draconian and stupid cuts in everything related to helping real people while still spending money on stupid wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Worse yet-and has direct impact for me personally, I could be stuck in a situation where the government does not pay my retirement and I lose my job because of a stupid three star’s decision to engage in a contracting strategy that is union busting without the unions. ( It is the same principle-cut contract costs and reward companies that fuck over their employees). In that case-I can guarantee you I will be out in the streets burning cars in front of Congressmen’s houses.
Make sure you understand what a default means-the government will still pay wealthy Chinese and other businessmen, while it doesn’t pay for Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, road repair or anything else. Knowing the GOP it will still pay for the wars-but little else. Only in the topsy turvy world of the <strike>douchebags</strike> Tea Party does that make sense .
Which gets to my main point-people like me have no one who speaks for my interests. Lets say for argument’s sake, that Obama was the wrong choice in 2008-what other choice did I have? Not vote and give consent to someone committed to maintain wars I personally and professionally find reprehensible-and as an extra added bonus would have placed a WORTHLESS WHORE a heart beat away from the White House. That’s no choice at all.
And now in the country you have a whole generation of people who are fundamentally ignorant. This reflects my own recent experience with “real Murkins.” They may not be bad people, but they are very much deluded. If I point out verifiable facts about the GOP, they look at you like you are from Mars, and politely tell You, that you are the one who’s deluded. (Thanks to Libby for the quote and for sizing up well how I feel). “ Real Murkins suck.”
The Republican Party is dependent, to an extent unprecedented in recent political history, on a single ideological group. That group, of course, is conservatives. It isn’t a bad thing to be in favor with conservatives: by some definitions they make up about 40 percent of voters. But the terms ‘Republican’ and ‘conservative’ are growing closer and closer to being synonyms; fewer and fewer nonconservatives vote Republican, and fewer and fewer Republican voters are not conservative. …
The 2010 election was the first since exit polls began in 1976 in which a plurality of the voters said they were conservatives rather than moderates.
Quite simply-right now I am not sure Obama is up to this fight or the one that will happen next year. And the stakes will be huge because if douchebag central wins-and they begin imposing their completly corrupt and evil vision of government on the rest of us, Katy bar the door. And make no mistake about it-I’m right on the Tea Party vision being fundamentally SELFISH AND EVIL. I don’t care anymore if you disgaree with about that-I know I am right on this. Government’s are supposed to advance human society, not throw it to the wolves.
So I will be left with no one to vote for. I will get to be an abject bystander on the real road to ruin-because our Galtian overlords would rather burn down the house then get anything done.